The Summer Contract starts with an email invitation. Yes, they are invited to participate in the planning of their summer. It is simple and I asked them to come with a few things. 1. A letter written to themselves discussing an overview of the year they completed. I asked them to be as detailed as possible in the letter, highlighting names, dates and highs and lows of their time. I wrote one as well to the both of them. I collect them at the end and save them. It'll be great to look back at them years from now. 2. Pencil and paper for note taking. It's a lot of information to be discussed and digested. There is also an art to taking notes and they've grown better over the course of time.
3. Ideas for meals they are interested in creating and presenting. 4. An open mind and a willingness to try. Without these attributes this will not work. This comes with an understanding that we all will not like everything we try. But what if we love what we do? Missing out on it isn't worth the risk. When I worked in corporate settings, the longest meetings yielded the most gorgeous spreads. Why not do the same for the kids? The meeting itself was held in the living room at a designated time. Flavored popcorn and fruity drinks were served (there may or may not have been tiny umbrellas). This serves as a snapshot of their summer and what was to come. Everyone came ready and eager to share and receive. This is paramount.
The Contract The benefits are listed first. Our summer will include but isn't limited to:
Trip + Try It Tuesdays - A weekly excursion in search of new experiences Thirsty Thursdays - This takes the place of our "Whine Down Wednesdays" we have during the school year. It includes a treat beverage that we will either make or purchase (milkshakes, smoothies, fruit mocktales, etc.) Out To Lunch - A weekly lunch date outside of the home. Summer food can be expensive. This is a way to keep our budget and nutrition intact. Culinary Connections - The kids take turns each week creating, cooking and presenting a dinner for our family. It is a way to exercise budgeting and nutritional values. Green Thumb Growers - We have a great appreciation for how our food is sourced. This year we will grow and maintain a herb garden of our most used herbs for consumption. Science Fridays- We explore science concepts through experiments.
Terms and Conditions This section consists of daily requirements and expectations. Reading- They both have reading assignments from their middle school this year. However, in addition to that I will give them two extra titles to tackle. One title of my choice and one title of their choice. Khan Academy- I have a concentrated list of math concepts for the entire next year of their curriculums. Pre-AP 6th and Pre-AP 7th, respectively. They are to complete each section and score 100% on the practice before they can move forward. If they are stuck on a particular concept, we have the time to explore other sources for further understanding. Music Studies- Both are to practice their respective instruments 20 minutes per day. Camp Outs - If left up to them, they'd never sleep in their own beds and would "camp out" in the middle of their playroom every night. With them both still having to attend Karate and Swim Team practices, they need some nights with adequate sleep:) Electronics - The electronics vortex is SO easy to fall into. With every daily requirement completed they earn an hour of access. They have an opportunity to earn three hours per day. With our other commitments and activities, that is enough;) I should mention this is not inclusive of movie watching and/or time on Khan Academy. Housekeeping- I'd be doing them both a disservice by not requiring these. I've imparted to them that it not only feels good to live in an environment that is decluttered and clean, they are also worthy of it. They should take pride in where they live and always be "visitor ready." They've done a great job so far.
We read these terms aloud during the meeting and I answer any questions that may arise in the moment. They initial these sections to signify that they have read and understand what is expected of them. My Summer Contract is tailored to fit my individual two kids. However, it can be tailored to your own liking in dozens of ways. Ours have changed greatly from year to year. At the end of the day, I hope my kids learn and trust that if they show up and give 100%, I will meet them and give 150%. A premium.
I hope this is helpful. I'd love to see what you all come up with!