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Summer Seventeen's Finest Finale

Summer seventeen is dwindling down to its’ final days. While that sentiment is saddening, we aren’t ushering it out unceremoniously. In our nest we tend to hold on to the best of our days, smearing the sentiment to the next chapter. It is joy building upon joy. As we take a look back over our summer days, there was definitely a shift and transformation that happened right before us, changing us forever.

As our summer contracts noted, our weeks were scantily planned, leaving room for us to roam where life took us on any given day. The kids would wake and take care of what they needed to do in order for us to continue on to what we wanted to do. With the 20% work and 80% play matrix in place, our days were never lulled into boredom. Summer literature began with the middle school summer reading assignments, in an effort to tackle the more daunting commitments first. They were able to enjoy the rest of their summer without having to give middle school another thought. At least for the next couple of months:) It warmed my soul to watch my son devour a familiar classic, “Lord of the Flies,” with the same wonder that I held when reading it at his age. We took the summer to familiarize ourselves with math concepts to come. Commandeering the district benchmarks for their respective grades, we were able to gain insight on what’s to come by practicing a concept each day, taking the edge off of guaranteed future encounters of Pre AP Math.

This was a new summer experience indeed as the Bug and the Bean got their first jobs! Throughout the season our neighbors contracted and hired them. They co-served as dog walkers and garden waterers. I was impressed with their professionalism. In the case of walking our beloved neighbor’s dog, they'd forgo sleeping, rising very early with no prompting. They went above and beyond to make him comfortable, opting to visit and play twice instead of once per day.

They perfected their green thumbs with our neighbors’ treasured herb garden, watering them thrice weekly. They broke the task in two, working by timer to ensure that the plants got an equal dowsing. It was fun to watch them grow and take pride in their work. We are grateful to our neighbors for trusting them and extending this opportunity.

We had our share of adventures within Trip and Try It Tuesdays. From awesome firsts at Krispy Kreme to magical art installations, our dance cards were completely full. Each trip fed our curiosities and enriched us in ways I hadn't planned or imagined. The kids would email a synopsis at the end of the day summarizing their take away. Always interesting, they provided me with a completely abstract view through their eyes.

As we wave goodbye to summer seventeen, we do so with a renewed since of clarity. The kids will be trading “Thirsty Thursdays” for “Whine Down Wednesdays” once again. While it was rich in adventure, I am most proud of the persistence maintained in both their educational and athletic commitments. With the exception of the much anticipated week away with their grandparents, they didn't take any time away from swim team conditioning or summer karate. There are a few days left to take full advantage of, and that we will. We’ll be taking the sweet scent of summer and injecting that joy into all we touch for the rest of the year. We are humble and grateful for all that God continuously gifted us. Farewell.

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