We are living in turbulent times. Like most of you, I have been inundated with the trials and tribulations of the day. With the twenty four hour news cycle, it is hard to find an escape. We awake to endless streams of the world’s atrocities. Like most of you, I take it in and form my opinion. That opinion often creates a trickle effect of harsh feelings that take hold to my spirit. Some chose to engage in heavy debates on social media. Verbally sparring with any and everyone willing to take the bait. Perhaps, if nothing else, it serves as a release. Like the whistle of a kettle releasing the steam of boiling water. I have yet to settle on the notion that it is ever necessary or an activity for me to actively partake in. However, my unwillingness to engage in public exchanges are not indicative of my passion or opinion. On the contrary, my kettle is boiling over, with my steamed trapped; no whistling release. Often times, my mind races; like the channels of a television with a remote in the hands of an eager toddler. By days end I am spent. My body gives way to exhaustion, yet my mind stands in defiance. For the last few months I’ve been in a vicious cycle of less sleep. Notice, I didn’t state “sleeplessness.” I have no problem going, but staying is a completely different story. In an effort to quell this anxiety, I have been practicing meditation, stillness, and mindful breathing. Have you ever noticed your breath? Most of us breathe shallowly. I bet you are paying attention right now. Shallow breathing is the drawing for minimal breathes into the lungs. Most of us do this throughout the day and aren’t even aware of the condition. Shallow breathing can indeed affect your entire body. When we breathe shallowly our bodies are in a constant state of stress. This stress can facilitate anxiety, hyperventilating, panic attacks, sleeplessness and a host of other disorders. Without the correct balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body, you are likely to be less focused and operating within a fog; our brain using 20% of the oxygen we consume.
Now that we are in the full swing of summer, our schedules have given way to a less hectic timeline. The days are longer and we go about them leisurely. I have mindfully taken steps to address my mental and physical care. Working out is like brushing my teeth. It always has been. But I’ve increased my cardio and changed the ways in which I get it. In addition. To morning gym sessions, almost every evening, my pup Sant Charles and I go for a bike ride. It was here that I paid most attention to my breath. Most mornings, I wake and pray in silence. I also have began to take minutes of meditation before rising and sleeping. This has been a challenge for me. Have you ever tried to clear the cache of your brain? Have you ever tried to think of nothing? It’s hard!! I’ve employed help for the app “Mindspace” to help me get started. Being still and centering my thoughts for minuets on end have proven to be quite the task. But it’s all centered around breathing. I’ve started with three minutes and over time have expanded to five and now ten. The simple act of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth mindfully has proven to be a game changer in my physical and mental well being. Stress levels have lessened and my workouts are more efficient than ever before. I invite you to take some moments for yourself to evaluate your own depths of breath. The regulation of your lung ventilation is just as important as any vitamin or healthy recipe I could share. With everything in our world commanding our attention and reactions, the gift of silence, meditation and mindful breathing is paramount in maintaining our well being.
Now, close your eyes, take air in through your nose and extend an exhale out through your mouth. Felt good, right? You are on your way.